Monday, August 5, 2013

Nutella Ice Cream

I’m not sure how I got the idea for this one, but for some reason, I did, and I’m sooooo glad. The best part is, it is super simple with only two ingredients. Warning: this stuff is RICH! To illustrate this point: My brother, an ice cream fiend who basically doesn't eat ice cream for fear that he’ll eat the whole pint, heaped up a big bowl of this stuff like he was settling down for some Ben & Jerry’s or Häagen Dazs or something. About five minutes later he came back into the kitchen with a half-eaten bowl of this stuff, signed, “that is oohhh” as he patted his stomach. He then proceeded to put plastic wrap over the bowl  and put it in the freezer for later. Yes! I win. I defeated an ice cream junkie, sibling rivalry at it's best.

Nutella Ice Cream 

  • 1 14oz. can evaporated milk
  • 1 ½ c. Nutella-I have used Justine’s Organic Chocolate Hazelnut spread and it was fantastic.

  • The night before, place freezer bowl of 1.5 quart ice cream maker in the freezer, or as instructed by the appliance instructions.
  • For the mixture, whisk or blend the ingredients together until well mixed. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  • When everything is cold assemble, ice cream maker motor and paddle and get ice cream mix ready to pour, before removing ice bowl from freezer.
  • Remove ice bowl from freezer and quickly add mix to ice bowl, attach paddle and bowl and start the ice cream maker.  Depending on ice cream maker it should take about 20-40 minutes to freezer the ice cream—the finished product will be soft. For harder ice cream, put in an airtight container and put in freezer for at least 30 minutes.
  • Store in air tight container.

This is Nutella ice cream with a triple-chocolate brownie and whipped cream, if you can handle it.